Chippy Italian Door - commission piece not for sale

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An old Italian door that had better days. We created an aged and worn finish over this as if it had been painted and repainted over the years.

Products Used

Layers upon layers were painted on this door, ensuring each layer dried completely before going to the next colour. Sawdust was added into some of the paint at the second layer. Watered down brown paint was added around the details and then the whole thing was sanded down with an electric sander to show the layers and remove the sawdust. This created natural wear like patina that comes from age and use. We used some of the Blessed redesign transfer in the middle and covered the whole piece in clear wax for protection. Dark antiquing wax and some Vintage gold gilding wax were added to further highlight some of the original carved details on the door.

This could be done in loads of different colour ways and I am already planning a version in pinks, watch this space!